Burns, Oregon, Library
On Saturday 23 June I stopped in Pendleton, Oregon, and visited Richard "Dick" Lemmon, a distant cousin, his wife Dona, and his daughter Diana. [N.B. There's a photo of the three below.]
Dick and Dona have a great genealogy scrapbook. But since only some of it is on-line in the Hugh Lemmon & Descendants websites which the late Steve Stevens and I created in 2001, I thought it would help other Lemmon researchers if some of the things Dick has were on-line. I spent 3 days combined at the La Grande LDS Family History Center and the Baker Library ferreting out obituaries for Dick's relatives.
Here are some of those.
Ira Jeremiah LEMMON
Thursday 5 December 1940 Baker County Democrat - Courier, p.5
Ira J. Lemmon Dies Of Heart Attack
Hereford -- (Special) -- Ira J. Lemmon, a well known mining man of Granite Boulder, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. M.A. Gilliam in Baker at 5 a.m. Saturday morning.
Mr. Lemmon was taken to Baker a week ago, from the Prairie City hospital where he had been for a while, suffering from heart trouble. Mr. Lemmon was born in Topeka, Kan., February 3, 1870, and came to Oregon 41 years ago.
He operated a mine at Granite Boulder for many years and formerly lived at Sumpter and was a member of the Eagles lodge.
Those surviving are his widow Pearl of Baker; two daughters, Mrs. M.A. Gilliam of Baker and Wendell Lemmon of Portland; one son, Warren of Granite; two sisters, Mrs. Adria Carpenter of Stockton and Mrs. May McGalliard, Mancus, Colo., and one brother, Art Lemmon of Durango, Colo. and five grandsons.
Funeral services were held Monday, Rev. Len B. Fishback officiating and burial [was] at Baker.
Pearl Alma LEMMON
Thursday 22 April 1948 Baker Democrat-Hearld, Page One
Pearl Lemmon Succumbs Here
Mrs. Pearl Alma Lemmon, 945 Elm street, a resident of this community for 40 yeaars, died this morning at her home.
She was born July 3, 1876, at Jackson, Miss. She moved to Baker in 1918 and had lived here since.
She is survived by a son, Warren of Baker; two daughters, Wilda Gilliam and Wendell Lemmon, both of Baker; two brothers, A.B. Warren of Henrietta, Tex., and Albert Warren of Stanton, Tex.; two sisters, Mrs. Henry Hunter of Woodward, Okla. and Mrs. J.E. Moffitt of Stanton; four grandsons and two great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 10:30 a.m. from the West and Company chapel, with Dr. Sydney A. Walker officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Hope cemetery.
Warren Mac LEMMON
Thursday 14 February 1974 Baker County Democrat-Courier, p.4
Warren Lemmon Dies, California
Wolf Creek -- (Special) -- Warren Lemmon of Wallowa, Oregon, passsed away suddenly at Seal Beach, California, February 9.
Mr. Lemmon was born in Durango, Colo., on May 6, 1899, the son of Ira and Pearl Lemmon. He came to Oregon in 1900 with his parents, who settled in Baker county. He finished his schooling in Sumpter, Oregon.
Mr. Lemmon was a World War I Veteran, Past Commander of American Legion Post No. 41, Baker, and a member of World War I Barracks No. 79 of Baker.
He is suvived by his wife Vera, three sons, Boyd of Laguna Niguel, Calif., Dick of Pendleton, John of Los Alamitos, Calif.; fourteen grandchildren and one great-grandson; one sister, Wendell Miller, of North Powder; one nephew, Billy Gilliam of Maryland. He was preceded in death by his parents, one son Jack who was killed in the service during World War II; [and] one sister, Wilda Gilliam.
Funeral services were held in Wallowa on Wednesday, February 13.
Vera Virginia Schlaefer LEMMON
Thursday 1 September 1988 Baker City Democrat-Herald, p2
Vera Lemmon, 93, a former resident of Baker, died Wednesday, Aug. 31, 1988, in Pendleton [at the Delamarter Nursing Home].
Her funeral will be Thursday, Sept. 8, 1988, at the United Methodist Church in Wallowa. Vault internment will follow in the Wallowa cemetery. Arrangements are being handled by Bishop Funeral Chapel of Pendleton.
Mrs. Lemmon was born Jan 17, 1895, in Pullman, Wash., to Henry and Maud (Kitzmiller) Schleafer. She graduated from Rosalia High School in Rosalia, Wash.
She married warren M. Lemmon in Baker on May 23, 1920. She lived most of her married life in Baker, but spent a few years in Wallowa and a few years in Feather Falls, Calif.
Mrs. Lemmon was employed by the U.S. Forest Service in Baker, by Stoddard Lumber Company and by Basche-Sage Hardware Company in Baker.
She moved to Pendleton in February 1986 to be near one of her sons.
She was a Past Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star in Baker, the Eastern Star in Wallowa, the American Legion Auxiliary, the Daughters of the American Revolution, and was a member of the United Methodist Church in Wallowa.
Survivors include three sons, Richard M. Lemmon of Helix, Boyd W. Lemmon of Mammoth Lakes, Calif., and John D. Lemmon of Las Vegas; 15 grandchildren and 34 great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her husband Warren on Feb. 6, 1974; a son, Jack P. Lemmon, who was killed during World War II; two brothers; and a sister.
Jack Phillip LEMMON Sr.
Thursday 21 February 1946 Baker County Record-Courier, Page One
Sgt. Jack Lemmon Killed in Action
Radio-Gunner's Death on Jap Raid Told
T-Sgt Jack P. Lemmon, 21, was killed in action August 7, 1945, while on an air raid oveer Kyushu, Japan, according to a war department telegram received here by his wife, Mrs. Lorraine Francis Lemmon, last Thursday. He had first been been reported missing, and later a letter fro Sergeant Lemmon's commanding officer, Maj. Nathan G. Mohaffey, explained the conflicting reports of men parchuting with Lemmon caused [a] delay in reporting the sergeant's death. He was a radio-gunner on a B-24.
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lemmon, he was born in Baker November 5, 1923. He graduated from the local high school in 1941 and attended Oregon State college where he was a member of Alpha Tau Omega. He also attended Texas Technical college prior to entering [the] service. He married Lorraine Francis at Santa Ana, Calif., August 28, 1943. He had been awarded the air medal with two oak leaf clusters, a personal citation for meritorious service beyond the call of duty, the good conduct and Asiatic-Pacific ribbons with five battle stars.
Besides his widow, he is susrvived by a 16-month-old son, Jack Phillip Jr.; three brothers, First Lt. Boyd Lemmon, Richard and John Lemmon, and his grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Lemmon, all of Baker. a memorial service was held at the Church of St. Stephen, Baker, Wednesday at 8 o'clock.
[Source #1]
Thursday 9 December 1948 Baker County Record-Courier, Page One
Bodies of Soldiers Returned to the States
Bodies of two Baker servicemen were among the 4454 war dead returned to the United States recently on the army transport Dalton Victory. Listed among them are the bodies of T-Sgt Jack P. Lemmon, air force, and Pvt. Calvin C. Moffitt, marines....Next of kin [of Sgt Lemmon] is Mrs. Arvis L. Lemmon....
[Source #2]
1. Thursday 21 February 1946 Baker County Record-Courier, Page One
2. Thursday 9 December 1948 Baker County Record-Courier, Page One
Here's the above-mentioned photo of, from L to R, Dona Lemmon, her husband, Richard "Dick" Lemmon, and Diana Lemmon, Dick's daughter; it was taken just prior to 17 June, Fathers' Day.

- Ira J. Lemmon's page on the Hugh Lemmon & Decendants website, which includes some photos
- Ira J. Lemmon's page on the HL&D World Connect site [text-only]
T 26 Jun Actual Route: Grant County Fairgrounds RV Park - John Day - Seneca - Idlewild USFS CG
W 27 Jun Actual Route: Idlewild CG - Burns Lib - Burns P.O. - Crystal Crane Hot Sprs
Th 28 Jun Actual Route: Crystal Crane Hot Sprs - Burns Jcn bd
F 29 Jun Actual Route: Burns Jcn bd - McDermitt, NV - Winnemucca - Water Canyon BLM CG
Sa 30 Jun Actual Route: Water Canyon BLM CG - Winnemucca - Battle Mountain - Mill Creek BLM CG
Su 1 Jul Actual Route: Mill Creek BLM CG - Austin - Bob Scott CG
M 2 Jul Actual Route: Bob Scott CG - Austin - Yomba Indian Resv - Ione - Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park
T 3 Jul Actual Route: Berlin-Ichthyosaur SP - Gabbs - Middlegate Station - Sand Mtn Rec Area
W 4 Jul Actual Route: Sand Mtn Rec Area - Fallon - Sage Valley MH & RV Park
Th 5 Jul Actual Route: Sage Valley MH & RV Pk - Fallon - Silver Springs - Ft Churchill State Historic Park CG
F 6 Jul Actual Route: Ft Churchill SHP - Silver Sprs - Dayton State Park
Sa 7 Jul Route: Dayton State Park - Virginia City - Carson City - Genoa
Finding Campgrounds:
N.B. I receive nothing from Trailer Life, Woodalls, or FreeCampsites.net for including links to their free campground lookups.