Mary Lane and JoAnne Pennello, who live next to one another on the even side of the street.
Jo-Anne gave me the camera I used to take these photos.
These photos were taken 1 Oct 2017.
JoAnne & Tom Pennello, whose main claim to fame is not that he's a computer science grad from UCSC but rather that he refereed the pumpkin-seed spitting contest.
Bob Keet, from the odd side of the street and Don Lane, a former Santa Cruz mayor, from the even side of the street.
Patrice Keet, Jim Lang, Becky Lang, Becky's mother,Nancy Sugars, and Claire Rubach.
Mr Bryce, a new neighbor on the even side of the street and Chie Kawahara.
The Line-Up:From the even side of the street, two UCSC students, Jim Lang, Becky Lang, Nancy Sugars, who was celebrating her 96th birthday a day early, and Merritt Winters, widow of musician David Winters & Dylan Winters.
Student contestant in pumpkin-seed spitting contest.
Chie, spitting against a strong wind, and Referee Tom Pennello watching for a landing spot; Chie was second and Claire was the top "spitter!"
Marilyn Orlando, widow of John Orlando and JoAnne Pennello.
Bob Keet, "seated on his 'coon dog,'" Patrice Keet, Jim Lang, Becky Lang, and Trinity Reagan.
A researcher asked me if I had ever heard Harlan Smith talk about Ft Clatsop, which his mother owned at one time and which is where Lewis & Clark spent the winter of 1805-1806.
There were formerly two houses on the even side of Van Ness between Mission St and the current last house. Harlan's house was the second house from Mission St. Since I have never talked with Harlan, I asked Alan Wheatley Rowland, who grew up in house where the Block Party was principally held and he sent the following reply.
No, not that I recall.
My memory of Harlin Smith is that he liked to sail and took me out once in one of the two local sailing group's boats. He had a son who owned a Cord roadster which we youngsters admired.
Harlin was a Stanford grad and lived I think to be 100. At one point my mom made a skull and crossbones flag for our gang. Harlin refused to fly it saying his flagpole was only for the stars and stripes. How goes the Van Ness neighbors site?
Aloha, Alan
P.S. I thought that my father deeded half the width of the driveway to the Wirts in exchange for them to pay for a driveway replacement. I don't recall when this was done or how to confirm this exchange.
Aloha, Alan
I misspoke when I stated that I had driven 215,000 miles since Nov 2010. The correct mileage is 125,000.
- T 24 Oct Actual Route: Capitola VA Clinic
- W 25 Jul Route: DWLs - RV Serv Ctr of SC - SV Lib - DWLs ...
- T 24 Oct Actual Route: Capitola VA Clinic
- W 25 Oct Actual Route: Monterey VA Clinic - Los Banos W/M
- Th 26 Oct Actual: Los Banos W/M - Delhi- Oakdale - Sonora - Long Barn
- F 27 Oct Actual Route: Long Barn - Sonora - Manteca - Aptos - SC
- Sa 28 Oct Actual Route: SC - Half Moon Bay - SF - Ft Ross - Ft Bragg
- Su 29 Oct Actual Route: Ft Bragg - Bald Mtn - McGuire Ranch
- M 30 Oct Actual Route: McGuire Ranch - Cloverdale - San Rafael - SC ...
- Th 9 Nov Route: SC - Monterey - San Carlos Catholic Church: Phil DiGirolamo Services ...
- Sa 11 Nov Actual Route: SC - Fairfield - Sutter Crk
- Su 12 Nov Actual Route: Sutter Crk - Orovile
- M 13 Nov Actual Route: Redding VA Clinic - US399 Rest Area
- T 14 Nov Actual US399 Rest Area - Weaverville Lib - Red Bluff
- W 15 Nov Actual Route: Atrois Rest Area - San Jose - SC
- Lloyds Tire - ...
Finding Campgrounds:
- RV Campgrounds from TrailerLifeDirectory.com
- Family Camping Directories from Woodalls.com
- Free campsites website
- Info on finding BLM Campgrounds