Looking up a wide Ohio River from the site of the 1780s Fort Jefferson.
Photos taken 11 Aug.
Zooming in over the tops of the trees on the other side of the Ohio one can see the tops of the bridge over the Mississippi to Cairo, Illinois.
Panning left or down the Ohio....
Panning downstream one more time....
As you can see the trees have been cleared so that crops (probably corn) can be planted.
From the left: a large cross which is spotlighted at night, the U.S. Flag, the top of a derrick or hoist likely used to clear floating or partially submerged logs, and my rig.
A better view of the bridge I used to cross the Ohio.
A final view of a notable location, where Fort Jefferson once stood near the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers.
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- Link to Natioinal Geographic Tour Guide of the area
Sa 9 Aug Actual Route: West Plains, MO, W/M - Doniphan - Pocahontas, AR, Walmart
Su 10 Aug Actual Route: Pocahontas, AR, W/M - New Madrid, MO - Sikeston W/M
M 11 Aug Actual Route: Sikeston W/M - Cairo, IL - Clinton, KY - Fulton, KY, W/M
T 12 Aug Actual Route: Fulton, KY, W/M - Union City, TN, Lowe's - Reelfoot State Park
W 13 Aug Actual Route: Reelfoot S. P. - Tiptonville - Dyersburg Lowe's - Dyersburg W/M
Th 14 Aug Actual Route: Dyersburg W/M - Hayti McDs - Scott City McDs - Cape Giradeau Lowe's - Walmart
F 15 Aug Actual Route: Cape Giradeau W/M - Lowe's - Lib - Lowe's - Walmart
Sa 16 Aug Actual Route: Cape Giradeau W/M - Lowe's - McDs - Lib - Lowe's - Walmart
Su 17 Aug Actual Route: Cape Giradeau W/M - Lowe's - Cousin Marlin's - Lib - Lowe's - Walmart
M 18 Aug Route: Cape Giradeau W/M - Lowe's - Ford dealership - Lib - Lowe's - Walmart
Finding Campgrounds:
- RV Campgrounds from TrailerLifeDirectory.com
- Family Camping Directories from Woodalls.com
- Free campsites website
- Info on finding BLM Campgrounds
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