Friday, July 15, 2011

Palo Alto to Skyline Blvd to Tunitas Creek Road

Half Moon Bay, CA

    After coughing and spitting for Palo Alto VA Hospital's Microbilogy Lab, I motored to the Mitchell Park Temporary Library on Middlefield Road and check GasBuddy.Com for the lowest gas price on the SF Penninsula. As usual, the lowest prices were in Redwood City - though in the downtown area and not on the outskirts.
    After buying gas I though about visiting the Redwood City Grocery Outlet; instead I drove east on Woodside Blvd, took I-280 north to SR92 and headed for Half Moon Bay. Much to my surprise, bumper-to-bumper traffic occurs on weekdays as well as weekends.

    After eating lunch near the juntion of SR92 with Skyline Blvd, I headed south through a light drizzle caused by thick clouds which had moved inland from the ocean to just over the crest of the Santa Cruz Mountains. But the ceiling was high enough to get a photo of the San Mateo Bridge -- as one can see in the photo to the right. [Click 1 or 2 times to zoom in.] Not only is the bridge visible, but the bumper-to-bumper traffic on SR92 to the summit is also visible.


    It would appear that this redwood was fallen by cross-cut saws rather than chain saws. But its removal did provide enough light for a plant species which require more sun: poison oak.



    It would appear that a small house may have occupied the area just off of Tunitas Creek Road. Reason? Perrenials like gladiolas or irises. Also thought I saw some honey suckle, but what I thought was honey suckle was a dark green rather than a light green.



    A small grove of redwoods just north of the road and next to a small tributary or gulley leading down to Tunitas Creek.



    Finally, a look up the road to where my rig is parked. Note the "heritage" guide post to the right. It's 8x8 inches and, while it may not outlast the new metal ones, this original has likely been around for as long as Tunitas Creek Road has been paved -- perhaps since the 1930s.

F 15 Jun Acutal Route: Palo Alto VA Hospital - Redwood City - Skyline Blvd - Tunitas Creek Road

Sa 16 Jun Actual Route: Tunitas Creek Road - Half Moon Bay - Golden Gate Bridge - Fairfax - Samuel P. Taylor State Park - Point Reyes Natl Seashore - Olema - [dry-camp near] Marshall

Su 17 Jun Actual Route: Marshall - Tomales - Bodega - Bodega Bay - Casini Ranch RV Park (near Duncans Mills)

M 18 Jun Route: Casini Ranch CG - Monte Rio - Guerneville - Cazadero - Fort Ross State Park

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